1. random true stories from This American Life on NPR. The best episodes are the funny ones (recently they've had serious talk of the economy). An old one is about the "greatest phone message" ever http://www.thisamericanlife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?episode=203. Try this one Babysitting. The last story in this show, about two teenagers who ended up babysitting children who didn't exist, is one of the most popular things we've ever put on the air, and even won an international prize.
2. webfiction of a tongue-in-cheek adventure/quest of a turnip farmer's son. Art the Wanderer by Jason Janicki began on the artist's comments of the webcomic Wayfarer's Moon - good art, slow story. It's such a laugh. The first installment is at http://singleedgestudios.blogspot.com/2009/03/bold-new-plan.html.
3. modern day Alice in Wonderland movie: MirrorMask. Kind of trippy. I'm glad I saw it twice to mostly get it. I'm so inspired to draw and draw and draw and ...